Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The move, it is my New Year's Day

Does anybody else out there get less done in December than they could because you find yourself thinking, why start that project now when the new year is right around the corner? Or oh, I'll start doing that in the new year?

Well the move, it is my new year.

R. and I have fallen into a bad habbit of less cooking, more take-out. (It's usually Thai from the place that just started up the next village over - you have no idea how exciting this is in a small Swiss village to have actual Thai food cooked by an actual Thai woman. And by the way, last night's green chicken curry? Way spicy). We actually tell ourselves we'll start cooking more in the new apartment. (Yeah, sure, we'll cook more in the kitchen that's one-fourth the size of our current kitchen and where there are even more take-out options in the area. Right.) We've managed to tell ourselves we'll exercise more once we move to the city. (Because taking walks or jogging will be so much easier in the city compared to the Wanderweg-rich countryside, right?) Neither of us have tidied up our desks in weeks because we're just going to have to put all that stuff in a moving box anyway. (Okay, that one might actually make a bit of sense, but it doesn't make our desks look any better.) Ironing? Somehow that's going to be easier in the city too. Don't ask me how, but by the looks of my ironing pile, I have clearly decided ironing will be easier in the city. It will all be easier in the city! We'll eat more vegetables! We'll take more walks! We'll lose weight! Our desks will be tidy, and stay that way! Oh, we'll do all sorts of things once we move to the city.

And we all know how long New Years Resolutions last, don't we?


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