Monday, October 24, 2005

The ATM knows me too well

I went to an ATM to get money today. Not, by the way, a machine I use all that often although it is just around the corner from our apartment. In fact, yesterday was just the second time I'd used that particular ATM. I put in my card, typed in my PIN, and then the options screen came up - how much cash do you want, do you want a receipt, that sort of thing. The option on the bottom right was interesting - it was the exact amount I usually pull out of the machine, with a receipt. So I touched the screen and completed my transaction.

Then R used the same machine to get money and when he got to the options screen, the option in the bottom right was different - a different amount, without a receipt. The transaction R usually makes.

So the ATMs know our withdrawal patterns well enough to custom-tailor a screen option for us. Convenient, or freaky? I can't decide.



At 12:29 , Blogger Berlinbound said...

Greetings from NY ... (23 days left to take-off) Thanks for your visit. I've gone back and looked at your earlier posts - rambled around a bit ... lovely. I look forward to reading more about your experiences in CH. And I am looking forward to actually being in Cologne - it's the anticipation that's killing me.


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