Saturday, October 01, 2005

Things I've been meaning to blog

I've been meaning to blog about the Swiss vote last Sunday to extend freedom of movement to citizens of the ten newest EU states, but I haven't gotten around to it. Short version: 56% of Swiss voters (turnout was about 53%) voted to give the right to live and work in Switzerland to citizens of the ten newest EU states (the old 15 already have it). The "Yes" vote was higher than expected, and higher than the "Yes" vote back in June for joining Schengen-Dublin. On a political level, I think the Swiss made the best decision possible within the limited playing room they had. On a purely personal level, it just got that much harder for me to find a job should I go looking.

I've also been meaning to blog about this report (link in German, the report is 63 pages long), which suggests that kids in Switzerland have too many structured activities and not enough free time to be kids and not enough time for physical activity during the school day. All of which puts this old post of mine in a new light, and I'll have to revisit this issue when I've got more time. You know, when Small Boy goes off to Gymnasium (high school for the university bound).

And I've been meaning to respond to Sandra and Christina's comments in my weaving post (scroll down to Saturday, Sept 24).

And I've been meaning to describe our no-longer-so-new new neighborhood and the bakery/cafe around the corner and just in general how life goes here.

Gah! Not. Enough. Time. In. The. Day.


At 22:20 , Blogger J said...

I am so far behing in blogging. I haven't gotten to the auto show in Frankfurt a couple of Sundays ago.


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