Days of heavy rain - with more in sight - have flooded the low-laying parts of the Old Town.

High water in the Matte

You can just see the roofs of some cars here

The trees along the left and the brown house in the foreground are usually well above the river bank

Das Rettungsboot

Some of the 240 people evacuated by boat



Restaurant surrounding by rising water
Labels: the streets of my city
Amazing pictures. It's shocking to see buildings flooded like that. What a terrible mess it must be for those whose homes and businesses are under water. Is your home safe from the flooding?
Sandra, we're up on the high ground, although we did look at an apartment in this quartier back when we were looking to move from Small Village. That building wasn't directly affected by the flooding, though. I saw on the news last night that the animals in the petting zoo had to be evacuated (it lies right on the river) and it seems the otters and beavers have, well, made for open waters, to put it optimistically.
i'm glad you are alright....those pics are dramatic! you really need to post comparison pics with Small Village and Big City...city?
I'm so happy to have found your site (thanks for the info about the amber necklace--I'd love to get one, but it seems like they're a rarity in the good ol' U S of A.) Your writing style & interests resonate so much with me:)
And reading your posts makes me wish I was still in Germany. I lived in Uberlingen for a year, and learned to speak enough German to make out those book titles on your site out :)
The city IS great, isn't it? I'm living in a city that actually reminds me a lot of a European city--in that it has a lively downtown, and I can walk everywhere, and there are bakeries. I loooove bakeries.
That flooding is craziness. Did that just happen?
Christina - The flooding of the Old Town started early Monday morning. It had rained all weekend, and the big problem was, on top of the rain, a lot of wood washed downstream blocked the Schwellen so the water had noplace to go. I can't think of what to call Schwellen in English -sluices? Those things in dams that you can open or close to divert water in different directions? They got blocked up with trees and that made the high water even worse.
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