Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Stop me before I click again

I now have $549.23 worth of books in my Amazon cart (and that's without the shipping). I guess I should move some of those to "Save for later," huh?


At 12:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand there is the "buy bulk" approach to save postage :-)

At 06:31 , Blogger christina said...

Oh god, you're a bookaholic too. Save us. It's just soo hard to say no. I now have at least twelve books on my night stand. Hope Small Boy & R and you are all back on Swiss time and well rested.

At 18:59 , Blogger swissmiss said...

Christina - It's especially hard to say no here, where, if I want to read a book chances are I have to buy it. There is an English selection at the library, but only fiction; and it's not the most up-to-date. (A lot of the books are donated by the English language bookstore, and needless to say they're not interested in donated the latest hot thing the day it comes out, you know?) And sometimes it's just totally random - they have Mark Spragg's Where Rivers Change Dirction in English, but An Unfinished Life only in German. Wierd stuff like that. And they're not big on obscure stuff. So I buy. And buy and buy.

What are you reading these days? (You can see mine in the sidebar).


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