Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wither the old man?

Small Boy and I were watching some car-chaos out our office window - two large rental-type vans were both trying to get something done by our front entrance, one of them had blocked a car into its parking space and another passenger car was idling behind the vans waiting to procede down our narrow one-way street (watching all this play out was great fun for the Small Boy) - when a man I see now and again walked past on the sidewalk. Suddenly I realized we haven't seen the old man in a long time; months, probably. This was a man I used to see walking regularly in the mornings, usually from Small Boy's window - his morning walk seemed to coincide with the end of Small Boy's morning nap and I would often see him walk by as I had Small Boy on the changing table. Our routines have changed - Small Boy doesn't take morning naps anymore and at that time of the morning we are now often out running a quick errand or at play group - and perhaps our paths simply do not cross anymore. And it has turned cold and a morning constitutional is probably a lot less appealing in November than in April. But I can't help but wonder what has become of the old man. I saw him often, and whenever I happened to pass him on the street I always greeted him with a formal hello - something very Small Village - and I think he certainly came to recognize Small Boy, especially those times I had him in the backpack. Over time, we came to earn a nod of greeting. It pleased me tremendously for reasons I cannot even explain to myself.

I miss seeing him, and I wonder what might have happened to him.


At 19:27 , Blogger junebee said...

You could ask some neighbors. Maybe some of them know him better.


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