Sunday, January 14, 2007

Random bullets of weekend

  • After a week-long "Zitterpartie," (everybody was a nervous wreck) the men's downhill on the Lauberhorn - the longest downhill run on the FIS schedule - took place on Saturday, global warming notwithstanding.
  • Winner Bode Miller actually used the phrase "balls out," as in "I was skiing balls out," in a live interview with Swiss Television.
  • I washed R's business shirts from the week and all five of them were blue. How Swiss.
  • We finally ordered a new bed and, for the price we paid, I expect never to experience a moment's sleeplessness for the rest of my life.
  • This (link auf Deutsch) was the hockey experience of the season. (For those who don't read German - an outdoor ice rink was built inside the new soccer stadium. About 30,000 tickets were sold, and our home team won.)
  • R is an early-adapter techy geek-head, so I want it on the record that we owned this nightlight/clock/sleep trainer before it appeared on Shiny Shiny. No, it's not really working.
  • We also now own this. Be afraid, be very afraid.
  • Small Boy seems to be showing a preference for Swiss over English. I wonder if Swiss is easier - at least in R's dialekt it's very common to lop the endings off of words, so Mann (man) becomes Ma, for example. It's probably easier for a Small Boy to get the words right when they're so indistinct. Either that or he's gender identifying with R, speaking what speaks? Whatever: at least he's finally starting to talk even though his collection of words is truly truly random.
  • This book is simply amazing.



At 06:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

I got to see a small amount of the racing, but the "balls out" phrase is over the top for tv!

Nice set of things you've seen or done for sure.

At 07:45 , Blogger R. Duckie said...

Wow, a big-boy potty for Small Boy! What's with the musical fanfare when he completes his toilet, that's hilarious! Are you sure you want him to associate music with going a number two? I guess the days of fire-truck stickers have gone!

At 13:46 , Blogger swissmiss said...

I'm thinking about not putting in the batteries for the musical reward! And it comes with stickers too!

At 14:36 , Blogger christine said...

I LOVE that potty. For the record if I had that thing I'd be on it all the time. And I didn't even know about the stickers. I'm just not sure if we have space for it :(


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