Sunday, November 11, 2007

We have a plan but I have a question

Well, tomorrow R heads off to his two-week course in Zurich and I enter week 36 of the pregnancy. We've got a plan for the first week ("plan" making it sound wildly more thought out than it is, it's more like just rolling with the punches). R will be staying in Zurich the entire time, leaving Monday morning and returning Friday evening. Small Boy goes to the Tagesmutter on Monday like always and the Farm on Wednesday like always, but he'll go over there Tuesday for dinner and to sleep over. From Wednesday dinner to Friday dinner it's just the two of us at home. I don't expect to go into labor next week, but if I do if it's daytime the in-laws will come and get Small Boy and take him to the Farm and if it's the middle of the night they'll come here and sleep on the guest bed and be here when Small Boy wakes up.

Anybody have any input on, if I do eventually have to go to the hospital at 3am one day, we should wake Small Boy up and say good bye and tell him I'm going to have the baby now? I'm thinking yes, even though it means he probably will cry and not be able to go to sleep again and the poor grandparents will have to cope with that. (Having him present during labor is out of the question - this is a boy who bursts into tears if he thinks I'm in pain. Stubbing my toe and saying "Ow!" makes him come running calling "Mama! You okay?!")

What arrangements did you make for your older child/ren when you gave birth the second (third, etc) time around?

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At 17:43 , Blogger christina said...

Oh yes, I'd definitely wake him up and tell him where you're going. I think he'll be able to handle it just fine. We had to wake our then 3 yr old when I went into labour at 1 a.m. with his brother because we needed to drop him off at the in-laws, conveniently located right across the street from the hospital I was registered at. He says he doesn't remember much at all about that night.

At 01:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't have to go to hospital at night so that was easy. As for waking your son, I think it really doesn't matter. He knows the baby could come any day and if people he loves are with him when he wakes up it shouldn't be traumatic. Personally I'd let him sleep. Just because I'd find going into labor and my child upset I'm leaving too much to cope with..:-) I

At 17:38 , Blogger moo said...

I think I would let him sleep..


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