Friday, December 01, 2006

I heart Dr. Norwegian

I think I've raved about Small Boy's pediatrician, Dr. Norwegian, before. We were at his office today; Small Boy has a head cold that sounds like it's moving into his chest and a little playmate of his - she was here the day before Thanksgiving - has been hospitalized as a result of severe vomiting, so I don't want to mess around with this thing. When Dr. Norwegian came into the office and asked how Small Boy was doing I said he had a bad cold and he asked "And Mama, too?" Reasonable question, since my eyes must have been a bit red and I was a bit sniffly. Not from having a cold, but from being weepy. I was waiting in Dr. Norwegian's office - Small Boy's doctor from birth, and the doctor who works at the hospital where I would give birth, assuming I ever give birth again - and got weepy. It's been a weepy week. It doesn't take much. It's just a weepy week. I quickly said no, I was just over-tired and Dr. Norwegian asked if Papa was sick. I said yes, R is a bit sick. And Dr. Norwegian's very next question was "Do you have help? Do you have somebody who can help you get some sleep today?" I said it was okay, that I can nap when he does, and the weekend is coming, and the grandparents are close by and it's okay.

But before he even started the exam with Small Boy, he checked in with the Mama. That's my kind of pediatrician.



At 23:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Results were negative.

Moving on...

At 03:19 , Blogger junebee said...

I don't think our pediatrician gives a crap how the parent is, as long as their insurance company is paying the bill!

There must be a more a feeling of treating the whole family in Europe. You'd never get that in the U.S.

At 08:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a family doctor and I like that because he knows our whole family's medical history. He's great.

I was pretty blindsided going back into trying to conceive again. I thought for some reason it would be easier to handle the second time around because the problem had been solved with the first working. Besides there's my son, right. But it's the same thing. It's the dragon's lair all over again. That really surprised me.

At 08:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we all have doctors like that? Even if I'm not a little girl anymore?

sending you hugs.

At 09:30 , Blogger swissmiss said...

GL - I'm so sorry.

Junebee - it might just be Dr. Norwegian. And what would he have done if I said no, I have no help and need some?? Actually, I can guess at the referals he would have made...

misschrisc - I'd like a family doctor at some point, but for Small Boy right now I just love Dr. N

swisstwist! long time no see! welcome and I just clicked through to your blog and am making sure you are in my Bloglines and links!

At 09:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SwissMiss, I'm a regular stalker, just bad a posting comments (mind you, not been too good at blogging much lately either, but I'm working on it - procrastination I know.....sigh)

Thanks for the link and the comment on my blog..

Looking forward to your Christmas Market pics!


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