Thursday, November 09, 2006

FET update

The short version is everthing looks good and we've got a transfer scheduled for Tuesday morning.

The long-ish version is my lining is measuring at about 9mm and I'm pretty sure I'm triple-striped. "About nine?" you say. "Pretty sure?" What is this about and pretty sure business? (I was 9.8mm and triple-striped at this point in the Small Boy cycle, btw.) Dr. L took three measurements, one was over 10 - I wasn't reading the ultrasound screen yet - one was 8.9 and one was 9.2, so let's just call it a nine. (Consider it my mulligan for this round.) I only know those precise numbers because I was reading the screen, because it's hard to get exact details out of Dr. L even though it's, you know, my uterus. He's just not a fill in the patient with medical details unless the patient makes a point of asking for it kind of guy and I forgot to ask flat out if I was striped, but from the ultrasound I think I am. I think. To some extent I see his point; what good does it do me to know if I'm 9.8 or 9.2 or 7.5? It's not as if I can do anything about it. On the other hand it's, you know, my uterus. Seems like I'm entitled to that sort of information. At any rate, from the minute the ultrasound started he was all "Schon, sehr schon" and even said "Bravo" so who the hell cares what the exact number was. I'm plumped up and ready to go. Still. Would it kill him to give me the number up front?

At some point I'm going to have to write a post about Dr. L. He's an odd duck. Very good at what he does, and I'd never consider looking for somebody else, but short on the interpersonal skills department. Or maybe that's a culture clash happening, I don't know. He's definitely not the most forthcoming of doctors - maybe he's just traditional and I'm all patient-proactive and give me the details - and not a hand-holder (literally or figuratively). It's culture clash, most likely, and in the big picture not that important. But definitely worth a post at some point.

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At 14:03 , Blogger Betsy said...

Good luck on Tuesday! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

At 19:56 , Blogger swissmiss said...

Thanks betsy!


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