Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Newsflash: Swiss people have televisions!

Dear Former Mayor Dinkins: (jump to the last line of the linked story for the money line)

As a resident of Switzerland may I inform you that we have televisions and newspapers too? I live in Switzerland, and the Swiss evening news followed the Spitzer story. Not as boorishly as US cable news, I've no doubt, but we here in Switzerland live in the heart of Western Europe, not on the moon.

Love and chocolates,

As for the best review of the rest of the article, read this Bitch PhD post.


At 13:46 , Blogger Ms Mac said...

Why should the poor daughters be punished for their father's tawdry affairs?

Joke! It's a joke! :-)

At 13:55 , Blogger Ms Mac said...

OMG! I just read what that woman said you should teach your children when they ask what prostitution is and I'm flabbergasted at the misogyny.

How ever, I did feel that Bitch PHD's need to justify prostitutes and prostitution to a child who asks almost as judgemental.

Just my two cents.


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