Thursday, February 08, 2007

Back from the transfer

Embryo transfer was this morning. When we arrived in the lab, Herr G, Dr L's lab man, threw us a little complication. They had defrosted two embryos (to transfer one embryo you want to defrost two to make sure at least one of them survives the thaw and looks good). They did this last time, too, and one embryo looked good and one didn't. No problem. This time around, Herr G was quite pleased with both embryos and asked us if we still only wanted to transfer one or if we should transfer both. This should have been a no-brainer - R and I are both fairly terrified at the though of twins on top of the energy of Small Boy, and at 38 and knowing I wouldn't be able to take it very easy (see above, Small Boy) I'm not wildly excited about risking a twin pregnancy. So this should have been a no-brainer, but I'm feeling fairly pessimistic about this cycle - needing to extend the Progynova, being sick, not sleeping well because the Small Boy has a Big Cough, knowing that my body is really run down at the moment. Herr G let R and I talk a few minutes, and in the end we did stick with our decision to just transfer the one, but I don't have 100% confidence in this decision. The success rates on FETs are so low, we probably should have tried to boost the odds a bit. But I'm truly not prepared for twins. In the end we transferred a two-celled embryo with nicely balanced cells and light fragmentation and in two weeks we'll see how it went.

I'm spending the day on the couch catching up on blogs, reading, watching my favorite winter sport and hopefully napping a bit. Small Boy is at The Farm, R is at work, and I'm just going to lie here doing nothing. I've been needing to do this for a long time and am glad the transfer gives me the excuse to sit here and be totally unproductive. Or perhaps reproductive.

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At 13:05 , Blogger Betsy said...

Good luck! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you...

At 14:35 , Blogger a/k/a Nadine said...

Me too. Hoping for the best!

At 15:28 , Blogger Choco Pie said...

Good luck.

At 16:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it is reproductive time!

At 17:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, swissmiss. I'm hoping for the right result from this FET.

All being well, tomorrow I go for transfer after our first IVF attempt. We only have 2 embryos today, so I'm struggling to stay optimistic, but it helps to be able to hope on behalf of other people, e.g. friendly bloggers like you.

I always enjoy your writing, and share something of your interest in pro cycling, though it's my husband who's the real fan. I hope you keep sharing your story - I will keep reading.

(I don't mean to be standoffish by commenting anonymously - I don't have a blogger account and can't leave my email address in the URL field since the blogger upgrade)

Best wishes, Carrie

At 19:04 , Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Fingers crossed for you.

At 14:46 , Blogger Maria said...

I hope this one works out! I'll cross everything for you! :)

At 20:36 , Blogger J said...

Best wishes for a reproductive time :)

At 01:45 , Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

I came in to check on you a few days ago and for some reason had a problem commenting.

I can say that I agree that twins are pretty scary for me as well.

In theory we only put back one ourselves with this last FET since the other two had not grown in about 24 hours.

I wish you a quick 2ww.



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