Monday, February 12, 2007

Embryo pictures and informationless update

We transfered the embryo on the left. The two cells are well balanced, but you can see some fragmentation (that little cluster of bubbles at the top is something you don't really want to see). The embryo on the right has no fragmentation, but the two cells are rather unbalanced, and Herr G is of the opinion that poor balance is worse than light fragmentation, so we went with the one on the left. Today we learned that the unbalanced embryo - the one we did not transfer - did not continue to develop in the lab, so it was not re-frozen. So Herr G was right.

For those who are counting, this leaves us with one embryo on the playing field and six sitting on the bench.

I wouldn't expect to feel anything 4 days after transfer; and I don't. I did take a nap with Small Boy this afternoon, but extreme tiredness is the status quo around here, so I don't think that means anything either. So I can't even begin to guess what's going on down there. Just taking my meds and crossing my fingers.

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At 02:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading this post makes me really really thankful for how easy it was for me to conceive. Really hope this goes well !! Thinking of you

At 15:29 , Blogger Sara said...

fingers crossed for you!!!

At 10:38 , Blogger SwissTwist said...

Hi! My RSS feed was broken and I'd missed out on weeks of updates! Since I'm just catching up again - Happy Birthday to you and Small Boy, I'm sure you both got spoilt rotten :)
I've got my fingers crossed and hope you're feeling good since the transfer.

At 14:33 , Blogger christine said...

Those are pretty. I never get pictures. I hope Lefty decides to stick around!

At 20:38 , Blogger moo said...

Hoping all is well. I'm around but being rather quiet of late. Thinking of you.


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