I'm. In. Shock.
Small Boy woke from nap. Crying. Found. Own. Thumb. Put self. Back. To sleep. Repeat. Put self. Back. To sleep.
Update: 12 minutes later. Oh yeah, that's more like it.
Labels: about a boy
I'm American. He's Swiss. The Boys are a bit of both. Dispatches from the far side of the Röstigraben. With a little cycling on the side.
Small Boy woke from nap. Crying. Found. Own. Thumb. Put self. Back. To sleep. Repeat. Put self. Back. To sleep.
Labels: about a boy
This article on Switzerland's efforts to replace the UN Human Rights Commission takes a rare look (for non-Swiss press) at what Switzerland has been doing since joining the UN in 2002. It's a pretty good piece, but I take issue with the final sentence.
Labels: Schweizermacher
Lance's final Tour begins Saturday at 15:40 CET. (Lance himself goes off at 18.48) Not that I'm counting or anything....
Labels: I watch other people ride bikes
In this post I mentioned the Mütterberaterin in passing and promised a full post, so here it is.
Labels: Schweizermacher, the expat files
These two posts got me thinking about how much of parenting is a confidence game, even if you’re “just” parenting a singleton. The posts hit home particularly hard right now because I am suddenly suffering from a crisis of confidence regarding my milk supply. (I do think I took a hit brought about by an unconscionable lack of attention to my fluid intake combined with a sudden heat wave, and I’m fairly confident we’ll be fine after some serious attention to the matter.) Combine that suspicion with the fact that Small Boy is gaining weight slowly – though he’s always been more of a banana than a pear – and suddenly everything looks different. The cry that until a few days ago I knew with absolute certainty meant “Help me I’m so tired and I don’t know how to fall asleep!” …now I wonder, does it mean “I’m hungry?” The straining sound he makes that means “Mom, laying here is boring I want to sit up” …could it be he’s hungry? Do I have enough milk? Is he getting enough? Am I “starving” my baby? All the typical questions of a first time parent, and all of them having more to do with confidence than anything else. The confidence that I know and can read my baby. That I know and can read my body. That I’ve got good instincts. That I’ve been doing things right for the past five months. Two days ago, if you had asked, I would have told you not just that Small Boy is doing well, I would have said he’s thriving. So why am I suddenly confused now? Can this all be coming from a number on the scale?
Well. That's something you don't see very often.
Labels: Schweizermacher
Today Small Boy acheived his greatest dream, his burning desire, the focus of all his considerable Small Boy determination, the distant star that has kept him awake at night and tormented him by hovering ever just out of reach.
Labels: about a boy
Small Boy has been napping for 90 minutes. Small Boy never naps for 90 minutes when not in a moving vehicle, and sometimes not even then. Do I go in and make sure he's breathing and risk waking him up out of this blissful nap during which I'm actually getting stuff done? Or do I assume he's alive because really, what are the odds that something's actually wrong, and keep getting stuff done? He's fine, right? Right?
Labels: about a boy
Well. Aitor Gonzalez won the Tour de Suisse by attacking on the final day. Just goes to show you have to watch those Euskaltel boys in the mountains.
Labels: I watch other people ride bikes
The pre-Tour form fine tuning races are heating up, and things are looking interesting.
Labels: I watch other people ride bikes
I bet you didn't even know I was gone, since I'm pretty sure I'm not getting any traffic at all at this point. But trust me, I was away. And now I'm back.
I can't believe I forgot to mention that we were accepted for the apartment. City living here we come!
Labels: the streets of my city
Briefly: Swiss voters approved joining Schengen-Dublin Sunday. And 58% of voters approved the registration of same-sex relationships (see same article) at the national level (gays and lesbians already have this right in some cantons), creating legal rights for these couples in financial matters, although same sex couples still will not be allowed to adopt or to avail themselves of fertility treatment (grrr).
Labels: Schweizermacher
Oh please. What they said. And by the way, it's a petrie dish, people. Oh, for the love of god, it's a petrie dish. If you don't know that littlest of little things about ivf - and don't even get me started on the transfer/implantation distinction - you deserve neither to write an article about ivf nor to have an opinion on it. Punkt.