Happy New Year! Gueti Rutsch!
There is no way anybody is this house will be awake until midnight, so I'm posting happy new year wishes now.
And for the Swissies, gueti Rutsch!
Labels: dies und das
I'm American. He's Swiss. The Boys are a bit of both. Dispatches from the far side of the Röstigraben. With a little cycling on the side.
There is no way anybody is this house will be awake until midnight, so I'm posting happy new year wishes now.
Labels: dies und das
The 2005 selection:
Labels: about a boy
I've got a new WeeMe, reflecting some real-life changes:
Labels: a series of tubes, dies und das
As seen at Raising WEG and Profgrrrrl. Here's how to play: take the first sentence from the first post of each month of the year starting at January and moving forward. Here's what my blog year looked like:
Labels: a series of tubes
Because Jessica and Global Librarian did it, and because I am a sheep...
Labels: a series of tubes
I just got the bill for my blood test. You know, the blood test to confirm that the FET failed, the test that was pretty much superfluous on account of my, you know, massive period. Yeah, that blood test.
Labels: FET #1, the infertility files
R., this morning: "I'm looking forward to the holidays."
At five a.m. you are my love
Labels: poetry
Ms. Mac seems to be under the serious misapphrension that she and Mr. Clooney shall wed; this is impossible, says I, for I shall be marrying the Clooney. Do you hear me?
Labels: a series of tubes, dies und das
I'm not very happy with these pictures of the Christmas Market; they're very uninspired. In my defense, I have always thought that the Bernese Christmas Market itself was very uninspired. Lame, even. It's pretty much the regular market decorated with pine boughs.
Labels: the streets of my city
I think I've raved about Small Boy's pediatrician, Dr. Norwegian, before. We were at his office today; Small Boy has a head cold that sounds like it's moving into his chest and a little playmate of his - she was here the day before Thanksgiving - has been hospitalized as a result of severe vomiting, so I don't want to mess around with this thing. When Dr. Norwegian came into the office and asked how Small Boy was doing I said he had a bad cold and he asked "And Mama, too?" Reasonable question, since my eyes must have been a bit red and I was a bit sniffly. Not from having a cold, but from being weepy. I was waiting in Dr. Norwegian's office - Small Boy's doctor from birth, and the doctor who works at the hospital where I would give birth, assuming I ever give birth again - and got weepy. It's been a weepy week. It doesn't take much. It's just a weepy week. I quickly said no, I was just over-tired and Dr. Norwegian asked if Papa was sick. I said yes, R is a bit sick. And Dr. Norwegian's very next question was "Do you have help? Do you have somebody who can help you get some sleep today?" I said it was okay, that I can nap when he does, and the weekend is coming, and the grandparents are close by and it's okay.
Labels: about a boy
J has declared Monday, December 4th to be Christmas Market Monday. Who's in? Check out his comments for a list of takers.
Like Sandra and Christina, I am pretty happy to see the end of NaBloPoMo. I didn't even achieve the goal of a post every day, though that was a deliberate decision to take a weekend off after a particularly rough post. I think I'm probably a 3 to 4 posts a week girl - I'm trying to stick with my city series on Mondays, the fountains on Wednesdays (but there are only a handful of fountains so that series won't last much longer), and then something about my life somewhere along the line. But I certainly will be taking this weekend off. I don't know if it's all the effects of getting the bad news about my FET - it was foolish of me, I know, but I couldn't help it; I never really believed that it could fail and I'm rather stunned to find that my uterus is, gasp, mortal after all - or sleep deprivation and crankiness caused by our beloved Small Boy's habit of waking at five freaking thirty a.m. or the general fall blues or a combination of all of the above but I am low. So low. I can barely get out of bed, let alone post every day. On the other hand, to what do I attribute the fact that I got more hits this past November than ever in my blog's little history? Was it posting every day? Was it blogging the FET? (I did have a lot of hits from searches involving various FET/infertility terminology.) Neither of which will be happening in December, I can assure you.
Labels: a series of tubes, dies und das